You Don’t Join Us, We Join You


Aetna is more than just a health insurance company, they're a full on health brand that revolves around its members. Besides the obvious, they offer everything from mindfulness tips and techniques to health concierges that can help you recover at home.

To change the perspective, we relaunched Aetna with a fully integrated campaign that drives home the idea that health isn't about insurer, it's about the insured. The relaunch surpassed all goals 3 times quicker than expected and tripled engagement with the brand. Organic searches for ‘Aetna’ actually overtook searches for ‘health insurance’ within 4 weeks of launch.

Effies, Echo, AdAge, Adweek, Brand New


We created billboards that physically joined people. For example, a billboard made of
lavender helped calm people in stressful situations and touted Aetna's Mindfulness Program.


We literally joined online, giving them ways to either de-stress or check their health. For example, high-impact banners helped stretch people's fingers to avoid carpal tunnel and checked vision.


Retargeting banners gave people health advice based on the time of day.


And to put our money where our mouth was, we partnered with CNN to create short documentaries showing
how Aetna joins communities across the country.
